Saturday, 20 May 2017

Treating Diabetes with Ayurveda

Statistics suggest that diabetes has become a common disease afflicting people worldwide. While oral medicines and injections will be recommended by your doctor, diabetic patients must also pay great attention at an individual level to constantly supervise their blood sugar through healthy diets, exercise routines, weight loss etc.
Ideal Diet for Diabetics
We would like to share some useful tips with diabetics or even those with high blood sugar to help them prevent or deal with this chronic disease. People with high blood sugar must categorically avoid high-calorie edibles, like, sweets, non-vegetarian diets, high-fat food items, creamed milk, fried items etc. that will exponentially surge their blood sugar level. Conversely, diabetic diet should be low in refined carbohydrates and sugar and rich in dietary fiber – both soluble and insoluble. Plant-based diets, like, fruits, vegetables, legumes etc. are fiber-rich which helps to slow the rate of sugar absorption into bloodstream. We can acquire our insoluble fiber from sources, such as, peels of grapes & kiwifruit, skins of potato & tomato and edibles, like - whole grain foods, corn bran, wheat, peas, beans, cauliflower, avocado etc. On the other hand, soluble fiber is found in legumes, like - soybeans, peas & other beans, fruits, like – avocados, prunes, berries, ripe bananas & plums and edibles, like - oats, barley, rye, carrots, broccoli, almonds, sweet potatoes, onions etc.
Useful Herbs
Juice of bitter gourd or concentrated bitter gourd extracts have a hypoglycemic or blood glucose lowering effect. Similarly, you can also directly consume powdered seeds of black plum to keep your immoderate blood sugar level in control. Indian barberry and the chief active constituent in Turmeric – curcumin – also exert anti-diabetic action helping to bring down high blood sugar. You can also season your meals with vinegar which helps reduce the glycemic index of carbohydrates and slow down the sudden rise in blood sugar level after a meal. Likewise, consumption of neem oil is highly recommendable that helps balance blood sugar levels and detoxify blood.

Easy Home Remedies
Diabetic patients can also take one teaspoon of methi seeds or five-six almonds soaked overnight in water every morning to bring their blood sugar level down. Drinking of tomato juice flavoured with salt and pepper in the morning on empty stomach also proves beneficial for cases of diabetes. Pulses - especially, sprouts and pulses with husks – are healthy alternatives to other carbohydrate-rich edibles due to their comparatively lesser effect on blood glucose. In the same manner, milk provides the right proportions of proteins and carbohydrates helping to control high blood sugar level. Leafy vegetables are high-fiber food items and must be essential components in the diet of diabetics. High-fiber fruits include pear, orange, papaya, guava, apple etc. whereas mangoes, bananas, grapes etc. are high on sugar and should only be consumed in limited quantities.
Why Small Meals are Better?

Diabetics should also take small meals on a frequent basis and must avoid heavy meals that will increase their blood sugar level. Moreover, small meals taken frequently help maintain consistent blood sugar level preventing both the adverse conditions of high and low blood sugar levels. In between the meals, seasonal fruits, butter milk, upma, dhokla, poha, raw vegetables, yogurt etc. can be your healthy choices for snacks.
If high blood sugar level is your worry, you should switch to Butterfly Ayurveda’s Pancreofly - the Blood Glucose Metabolizer Capsules. Pre-diabetic persons as well as diabetic patients (newly detected NIDDM: Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus – type 2 diabetes and type 2 diabetes with micro & macrovascular complications: NIDDM with early retinopathy and NIDDM with microalbuminuria) can take our ayurvedic diabetes medicine to bring down their blood sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride levels. 


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